Celebrating Success 2

KyleKyle’s Story

Kyle’s communication and social skills have come on leaps and bounds since I first met him back in August 2013. It has been a pleasure to watch his journey with Access Ability as we continue to support him in were possible, the next step hopefully into employment. We thank him dearly for all his hard work and efforts, he is a great asset to Access AbilityRead More

daveSean Patrick Maguire

The training opportunities through Access Ability have provided me with the support and guidance to gain employment in a role that I never thought I would have the confidence to do. I am a more confident and happy person through the support I have received, I am literally buzzing. I now love meeting new people and look forward to my working day.” Read More

daveMubasshir Mohammed

Mubasshir has been a very active member of the group and engaged in a variety of workshop and training sessions. These include basic first aid training, print workshop, Deaf awareness, manual handling interview workshops as well as physical activities such as our football workshop. Read More


“The course and support provided by Access Ability and Lancashire Adult Learning has opened my eyes and generated even more interest to want to learn more BSL to be able to communicate with every member of my church communities. I never thought such a short courses would be so valuable. It also provided me with the confidence to put what I learnt into practice as well as my personal experiences in my role.” Read More